
B2NOTE v3 documentation

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Widget Integration through IFRAME

The widget is embedded in a <div> within <iframe>. The integration example is in this repository with a commented HTML page and CSS file.

Target parameters

The target types are distinguised based on the provided parameters. For details about the targets in B2NOTE see https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/. B2NOTE implements several extensions over this basic format.

The annotated target is encoded in the POST parameters as shown in the example. There are currently two formats:

Pid & Source format (DEPRECATED)

This is the old format that supports only limited annotation targets.

Target Type pid_tofeed pidName_tofeed subject_tofeed subjectName_tofeed
Page x optional    
A resource link on the page x optional x optional

Target encoding

This format contains a single parameter target_tofeed which is a string-encoded JSON object according to this schema. Here it is described how the various annotation targets are encoded.

Whole Page

  type: "PageTarget",
  pid: "URL of the page",
  pidName: "optional name that will be displayed to the user"
  type: "LinkTarget",
  pid: "URL of the page",
  pidName: "optional name that will be displayed to the user",
  source: "URL of the annotated resource",
  sourceName: "optional name of the resource"

Text Selection on a Page

  type: "TextSelectionTarget",
  pid: "URL of the page",
  pidName: "optional name of the page",
  xPath: "XPath of the node holding the text",
  startOffset: "index of the first character of the selected text (number)",
  endOffset: "index of the last character of the selected text (number)",
  selectedText: "the selected text"

Image Region

  type: "ImageRegionTarget",
  pid: "URL of the image",
  pidName: "optional name of the image",
  svgSelector: "string with an SVG shape representing the selected region"

Image Region on a Page

  type: "ImageRegionOnPageTarget",
  pid: "URL of the page",
  pidName: "optional name of the image",
  source: "URL of the annotated resource",
  sourceName: "optional name of the resource"
  svgSelector: "string with an SVG shape representing the selected region"


  type: "TableTarget",
  pid: "URL of the table file (csv, xls, xlsx)",
  pidName: "optional name of the table",
  sheet: "optional name of a sheet",
  range: "optional TableRange object"

The TableRange object can be one of the following:

  type: "RowRange",
  startRow: "number of the first row",
  endRow: "number of the last row"
  type: "ColumnRange",
  startColumn: "number of the first column",
  endColumn: "number of the last column"
  type: "CellRange",
  startColumn: "number of the first column",
  endColumn: "number of the last column"
  startRow: "number of the first row",
  endRow: "number of the last row"


  type: "PdfTarget",
  pageNumber: "number of the annotated page",
  svgSelector: "optional string with an SVG shape selecting a part of the page (as image)"


The hosting page is notified of the following events using the JavaScript postMessage functionality:

Widget loaded

Once the widget is loaded, it emits the "B2NOTE loaded" message.

Annotation events

Operations on annotations are reported in the format:

  action: "create"|"edit"|"delete",
  annotationType: "semantic"|"keyword"|"comment",
  annotationIRI: string

The details and definitions can be checked in notify.ts.